
I’m pretty excited to share that I’m going to be appearing at Cleveland ConCoction 2015!


It’s March 13 – 15 at the airport Sheraton. I’ll be on a number of panels — more info on that later in the year — as well as doing a reading and a signing session. I would love to meet some of you there!

I know I’m super cool and all, but there are other, equally cool things that should be making you interested in this convention. The theme is Steampunk in Wonderland (I LOVE BOTH OF THOSE THINGS!!) and This Way to the EGRESS is the musical guest of honor and there are going to be awesome make and take workshops and a steampunk ball and so much cool stuff. Seriously. You should check it out.

Hit me up on Twitter @MadMerryMeg and let me know if I’ll be seeing you there!